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The following passages come from a manuscript of Wheatley's 1960 best-seller 'The Satanist'.  Throughout the manuscript Wheatley has made revisions in ink.  These may have been made at the behest of his family, friends or publisher, as a number of them repeat the prurient racism that was common in his  work in the past, but by 1960, was considered to be no longer acceptable. There are also levels of sadism in some other passages that may have been considered too extreme at the time and were therefore removed.  I include these passages as an illustration of how Wheatley's writing was being forced to change to meet the sentiments of a modern and more enlightened reading public.
Original Version Published Version
You are a fine, healthy girl, so will take no harm from it.  Abroad, during the war, in some of the soldiers brothels, girls took as many as twenty or thirty men a night, week after week, with only an occasional night off.

Twenty or thirty! Mary gasped.

Yes; but, as you are inexperienced, Abbadon will see to it that you are not overtaxed.

What...what do you mean by that?

He will make those who want you draw lots with numbers, then watch how you are bearing up.  Most young initiates can mange ten or twelve.

I couldnt! Not half that number!

Nonsense, child.  I have had neophytes through my hands before who felt as you do now, faced with the prospect of taking several lovers instead of one, they make the same protests as you are doing.  But, when the time comes, their scruples vanish.  After the feast they become eager to be loved and the sight of others throwing off all restraint sets them at their ease.  They find, too, that they have underrated their powers of enjoyment and that one man could no longer satisfy them.  After a few such experiences, the newcomers begin to compete with one another to see which of them can perform the Rite of Creation most times in a single night, and for six days a week they are longing for Saturday to come round so that they can participate in another of our orgies.

I cant! I couldnt, Mary cried.  There are coloured men among them.  Ill never give myself to one.  Never! Never!

Never is a long time, Honorius smiled.  You will come to it in time and derive a new pleasure from having a black skin against your own.  But if you have a prejudice against colour, I will tell Abbadon, and he will arrange matters so that only white men embrace you tonight.
You are a fine, healthy girl, so will take no harm from it.  Abbadon will see to it that you are not overtaxed.

What...what do you mean by that?

He will make those who want you draw lots with numbers, then call a halt when he decides that you are tired.

Have men queue up for me! Mary gasped.  I wont!  I wont!

Nonsense, child.  I have had neophytes through my hands before who felt as you do now, faced with the prospect of taking several lovers instead of one, they make the same protests as you are doing.  But, when the time comes, their scruples vanish.  After the feast they become eager to be loved and the sight of others throwing off all restraint sets them at their ease.

I cant! I couldnt, Mary cried.  There are some repulsive men among them to whom Id never give myself.  Never! Never!

Never is a long time, Honorius smiled.  After a while you will come to set much more store on the pleasure a man can give you than on his features, the shape of his limbs or the colour of his skin.  But if you have a prejudice against the ageing or pot-bellied, I will tell Abbadon, and he will arrange matters so that only well-formed men embrace you tonight.


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