The Musuem
Floor Plan

The Dennis Wheatley 'Museum' - The Final Years

Beeleigh Abbey
Maldon, Essex

30th September 1977

Dearest Dennis,

I am very moved by your letter. Thank you very much for giving me “The Forbidden Territory”.

I remember when you gave me a copy, in the shop, forty years ago. You were just forty, I was in my twenties, and we have been friends ever since.

We have both been very lucky in our lives. I had a wonderful father, I think about him every day, and Ronald and I have known each other since we were six, and been through great happiness, and many horrors, together.

I hope that you have many good years before you. I doubt if either of us will reach 80. It is such a tough battle, running our great business, and keeping these ghastly Unions, and other forces of evil out, that we shall probably drop down dead before we are seventy.

Thank you again Dennis for sending me your book. All my memories of you are delightful ones.

Yours ever,
