The Musuem
Floor Plan | DW's Homes | Other Locations

Dennis Wheatley's Homes

DatesAddressReference On Maps
1961 - 1977 60 Cadogan Square, London SW1 M

Cadogen Square Cadogen Square

60 Cadogan Square as it is now

Pictures: Courtesy Steve Patton

Grove Place

60 Cadogan Square in May 1971, as photographed during Iwan Hedman’s celebrated visit

Cadogen Square Cadogen Square Cadogen Square Cadogen Square

Other pictures taken during Iwan's visit (click to enlarge).

Pictures : Courtesy Iwan Hedman

For the first sixteen years DW lived in Lymington, when he came up to London he stayed at the United Hunts Club or Brown's Hotel, but in 1961 he acquired his own flat. His friend the Marquess of Donegall was re-arranging his affairs and no longer had any use for the first floor flat at No. 60, which belonged to his second-wife-to-be, Maureen. DW put in an offer for it, and the offer was accepted with thanks.

Later on, in 1969, DW faced a domestic crisis at Grove as one of his servants was due to retire and two others left and he found it impossible to recruit suitable replacement staff. While he was wondering what to do, the lease on the second floor flat at No. 60 came up, and DW took it. A Mr Murray, who had the lease of the whole house offered it to him on condition that he could retain use of the third floor flat, and DW ended up with the lease of the whole house. DW put in a lift between the first and second floors, and that was that. He had eight main rooms of fair size and space enough for his four thousand books.

Cadogan Square was to become his home for the rest of his life.

References : 'Drink and Ink' pages 258,262,263.