The Musuem
Floor Plan

The Dennis Wheatley 'Museum' - Gordon Eric Gordon-Tombe

Gordon-Tombe the teacher - expanding DW's literary horizons

Wallis Budge's 'Osiris and the Egyptian Resurrection' - Dennis Wheatley's copy,
bought in November 1922 at the behest of his friend Gordon-Tombe

DW notes he used the book when writing 'The Quest of Julian Day'.
Given its subject matter it is quite possible it was also at the back
of his mind when writing 'The Devil Rides Out'

DW wrote notes in many of his books

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The comments DW wrote about the book.
DW had two bookplates. There was a space for comments
on the earlier version. The later one depicted Gordon Eric Gordon-Tombe.

If you look at the bottom of the right hand bookplate you can see where DW notes the book was bought on the recommendation of Gordon-Tombe.

DW confessed that before he met Gordon-Tombe, his reading reading had been pretty much confined to historical romances and international spy fiction. Gordon-Tombe introduced him to the classics, to world history and world religion, both ancient and modern.

Part of Gordon-Tombe's legacy is that DW's work is suffused with material from this reading.

Provenance:Private Collection